Speaker Hub

Thank you for joining us as an inspirational speaker for this years Festival of Circular Economy! Across the two events days, and 4 content stages, we are excited to share world class use-cases, and innovative solutions across industries with our global audience.

For this years event we are focusing on the importance of collaboration to drive the next steps of circularity forward.

Student preparing climate change demonstration

Event setup

Dates: 15th & 16th November

Timings: Day 1, 10:30 – 17:15 | Roundtable discussions running from 17:15 – 18:00

Day 2, 10:30 – 17:00 | Roundtable discussion running from 17:00 – 17:45

Virtual sessions: Hosted on event platform (all speakers have individual Zoom links for each slot) – you can find the FOCE branded background for Zoom here

In-person venue address: 7 Carlisle Street, London, England, W1D 3BW

Key contacts:

Speakers & content – Lia Richards | lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk | +44 (0) 737 682 7147

Operations – Sara Dokhan | Lucy Tysoe | Victoria Knight | events@ciwm.co.uk | +44 (0) 1604 620426 

Marketing – Suzy Lester | suzy.lester@ciwm.co.uk

Virtual event platform guide

How to access platform: use the link here to join the FOCE virtual event platform.

Logging in: You will have received an email from the team containing your login information for the platform. Please attempt to log onto the platform before the event days to ensure you have access. If you are having any trouble logging in or haven’t received an email during the w/c 6th November with this information, please let one of the operations team know (contact information at top of page).

Where to find the content stages: Once logged into the platform, you’ll be taken into a main lobby/ entrance, you will need to enter either stage 1 located on the left of the screen or stage 2 located on the right of the screen to watch the relevant stream. Alternatively, in the bar menu at the top of the page, a dropdown menu for ‘stages’ features the stages/ theme options relevant to that day/date.

Option to add items to the virtual ‘swag bag’: For FOCE attendees, we have a virtual ‘swag bag’ featuring whitepaper and book previews, along with other educational content. If you or your organisation would like to provide something to feature in the ‘swag bag’, please let me know and provide the relevant materials by the 8th November.

Promoting FOCE

As a speaker for the festival, we ask that you shout about your involvement as much as we are!! The link here is to access a zip. folder for the speaker asset pack providing social banners that can be used to promote your session/ attendance. When posting across social channels, please tag the festival and use the hashtag, #FOCE23 in your posts so we can show these some love and reshare them.

A reminder that we are also asking all speakers to provide a video answering the question, ‘what does circularity mean to you?’. If you haven’t already provided a video, please feel free to send one over (max 40 secs.) in an MP4 format. A member of our team can also arrange a quick Teams call to assist in recording.

Post-event content will cut into bitesize segments for knowledge sharing across media platforms including social media and YouTube (if you do not want your session to be shared in this format, please let the team know).

Info for virtual/ remote speakers

You will receive an email from the content/ operations team with designated timings and session information. You will also receive a calendar invite containing the Zoom link for your live session – please accept this so you have the notification/ reminder on the event day. Please ensure you join via the link at the time of the invite (10 minutes prior to the session start time). 

All sessions have been given an allocated start and end time and we aim to keep to these as tightly as possible. The events team will assist in keeping these as on time as possible but we ask that all speakers work to keep to the timings also. Should a session finish earlier than planned, this is not a problem.

You can find the festivals branded background here should you wish to use this (you are also welcome to use your own branded background if you wish).

As a speaker, you will be automatically registered for the festival. You will receive an email with your login information the w/c 6th November. Please attempt to access the platform before the event date to ensure you are able to login.

Guest passes can be registered via the link here.

All speakers are required to join via the relevant Zoom link, 10-minutes ahead of the start time of their session (this is already included in the calendar invite timings). A member of the operations team will be on the backend of every session to run through final tech checks and any last minute questions (they will stay on the backend for the duration of the session). The operations team will inform speakers of when the session is due to go live/ be broadcasted – we ask that you wait roughly 10 seconds before you start speaking to ensure the feed has started running.

If you are presenting a slide deck, the team will ask for this to be shared before the session begins to ensure it’s showing correctly.

Practice session: All presentations will have a practice session ahead of the live event to ensure access to Zoom is okay. These will be running for the month leading up to the event.

Live session: During the live sessions, speakers will share slides from their own devices and will have full control over the deck. We ask for a copy of the presentation to keep on reserve should any technical issues occur on the day and we need to share the slides for you. All presentations/ slide decks must be submitted to the content team for review by 8th November.

Presentations must be sent in PowerPoint (.ppt), PDF or Google Slides format in 16:9 widescreen. Videos and audio used in the presentation MUST be embedded into the slides to ensure these work correctly during the session. 

The operations team will use the chat function to share any relevant messages with speakers during the session e.g. how much time is remaining. We ask that the speaker also keeps a track on time to ensure we stick to the agenda timings. Should speakers need assistance during the session, please use the chat function to converse with the operations team (ensure that only ‘hosts and panelists’ are selected when using the chat function).

Presentations can vary in duration and the timings of your session will have been confirmed with the content team – if you are unsure about timings or have any questions on this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Other info: All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand post event – if you have any questions relating to this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Practice session: All panel discussions will have a practice session ahead of the live event to ensure access to Zoom is okay. These will be running for the month leading up to the event. Panelists will also be looped into an introductory email chain with the moderator and fellow speakers to allow for pre-event comms around the themes/ questions being covered in the session.

Live session: During the live sessions, we ask all speakers keep their videos on and mute audio while not speaking. The moderator will open the session, welcoming the attendees and introducing the session – we will then have a 1-minute for each speaker to introduce themselves, and then move onto the main body of discussion. The attendees are able to submit questions via the Q&A function – the moderator will lead on distributing any relevant questions amongst the panelists (there will also be a member of the operations team on the backend moderating the questions that are submitted).

The operations team will use the chat function to share any relevant messages with speakers during the session e.g. how much time is remaining. We ask that the moderator also keeps a track on time to ensure we stick to the agenda timings. Should any speakers need assistance during the session, please use the chat function to converse with the operations team (ensure that only ‘hosts and panelists’ are selected when using the chat function).

Other info: Panel discussions run for 40-minutes including any Q&A time. No slides are required for panel discussions. All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand post event – if you have any questions relating to this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Practice session: All fireside chats will have a practice session ahead of the live event to ensure access to Zoom is okay. These will be running for the month leading up to the event. Speakers will also be looped into an introductory email chain with the moderator and any fellow speakers to allow for pre-event comms around the themes/ questions being covered in the session.

Live session: During the live sessions, we ask all speakers keep their videos on and mute audio while not speaking. The moderator will open the session, welcoming the attendees and introducing the topic – we will then have a 1-minute for each speaker to introduce themselves, and then move onto the main body of discussion. The attendees are able to submit questions via the Q&A function – the moderator will lead on distributing any relevant questions amongst the speakers (there will also be a member of the operations team on the backend moderating the questions that are submitted).

The operations team will use the chat function to share any relevant messages with speakers during the session eg how much time is remaining. We ask that the moderator also keeps a track on time to ensure we stick to the agenda timings. Should any speakers need assistance during the session, please use the chat function to converse with the operations team (ensure that only ‘hosts and panelists’ are selected when using the chat function).

Other info: Fireside chats run for 30-minutes including any Q&A time. No slides are required for these sessions. All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand post event – if you have any questions relating to this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Practice session: All roundtables will have a practice session ahead of the live event to ensure access to Zoom is okay. These will be running for the month leading up to the event. Speakers will also be looped into an introductory email chain with the host and any fellow speakers to allow for pre-event comms around the themes/ questions being covered in the session.

Live session: During the live sessions, we ask all speakers keep their videos. The host will open the session, welcoming the attendees and introducing the session – we will then have a 1-minute for each speaker to introduce themselves, and then move onto the main body of discussion. The attendees are able to openly ask questions by conversing with the speakers – the host will help lead the conversation to ensure the discussion moves through topics and to keep on conversation centred around the agreed theme (there will also be a member of the operations team on the backend for additional assistance).

The operations team will use the chat function to share any relevant messages with speakers during the session eg how much time is remaining. We ask that the host also keeps a track on time to ensure we stick to the agenda timings. Should any speakers need assistance during the session, please use the chat function to converse with the operations team (ensure that only ‘hosts and panelists’ are selected when using the chat function).

Other info: Roundtables run for a maximum of 45-minutes and are NOT recorded. No slides are required for these sessions.

For all sessions, the time allocation for Q&A is within the allotted session timings. Q&A is run via the Q&A function embedded within Zoom.

Q&A for presentations: Questions will be submitted via the Q&A function. The presenter will need to open this to read any ‘open’ questions and answer accordingly (we recommend doing this at the end of the presentation if there is still time available). The operations team will be on the backend to assist in dismissing any questions/ comments that have already been answered.

Q&A for panel discussions: Questions will be submitted via the Q&A function. The moderator will distribute the ‘open’ questions amongst the panelists and a member of the operations team will assist in dismissing any questions/ comments that have already been answered.

Q&A for fireside chats: Questions will be submitted via the Q&A function. The moderator will distribute the ‘open’ questions amongst the speaker/s and a member of the operations team will assist in dismissing any questions/ comments that have already been answered.

Q&A for roundtables: The format of these sessions is more informal – attendees are able to converse with speakers and ask questions related to the roundtable themes out loud.

At the end of all sessions, the operations team will ‘end for all‘ – please do not leave the session prior to the team closing the stream. Please say something along the lines of ‘thank you for attending, I hope you enjoy the rest of todays sessions/ your time at the festival’ as a que for the team to know you have finished.

How to …

Join your session: Use the Zoom link provided in your LIVE session calendar invite to join the session.

Before going live:


Once live: Wait 10 seconds before speaking, introduce yourself and the session/ topic and enjoy speaking at the festival!

Speaking with the organisers: Utilise the chat function within Zoom should you need to speak to a member of the operations team during the session.

Audience Q&A: Refer to the Q&A section above to see how your session format will feature this.

Closing the session: Use a general closing line like ‘thank you for tuning in to this session covering XXX, I hope you enjoy the other sessions feature on todays agenda at the Festival of Circular Economy’, then keep smiling, the operations team will end the webinar for all.

Follow up: The team will follow up with you via email post-session to catch up.

How to …

Login: Use the link here to access the event platform.

Watch a session: Click on either stage 1 or stage 2 to enter the relevant area to watch your chosen session.

Network: Utilise the chat functionality, visit the solutions hub or join one of the virtual roundtables to maximise networking during the event.

Edit your profile: Click the profile section in the top right corner once logged into the platform to edit your profile.

Access the ‘swag bag’ content: Hover over the ‘info’ dropdown and click swag bag to access the different medias of content.

Watch sessions on-demand: This will be shared in the post-festival comms.

Info for in person speakers

You will receive an email from the content/ operations team with designated timings and session information. You will also receive a calendar invite blocking the time of your session/s in your calendar – please note that while the invite will be for the time of your session, we ask that all speakers are on-site a minimum of 30-minutes ahead of the session start time so we can run through any final preparations/ comms.

All sessions have been given an allocated start and end time and we aim to keep to these as tightly as possible. The onsite team will have timing cards that will be used during the talks so you are aware of how much time is remaining during your session. Should a session finish earlier than planned, this is not a problem.

In-person sessions will be running from the following location: 7 Carlisle Street, London, England, W1D 3BW. (Please note that the different speaker locations in the venue are located on different floors and to inform us should this pose an accessibility issue).

Parking: Information to follow shortly

Train journey: Information to follow shortly

As a speaker, you will be automatically registered for the festival. You will receive an email with your login information the w/c 6th November. Please attempt to access the platform before the event date to ensure you are able to login.

When you arrive at the venue on the event dates, the team will have a list of all in-person speakers so please do check in with them.

Guest passes can be registered via the link here.

All speakers are required to be at the venue a minimum of 30-minutes prior to their sessions start time. The onsite team (Lia/ Rebecca) will be coordinating the running order for the agenda at the venue. We ask that you work with us when you are called to setup for your session/ to head back down to the lounge post-session as handover times between talks are tight.

Pre-event comms: All panelists will have been looped into a pre-event introductory email chain to discuss the sessions content/ questions and any other topics you’d like to bring to the discussion with their fellow speakers and the moderator. Instructions on what is required for the pre-event comms are included in the email chain, we ask that you read these and follow up accordingly. Panelists are welcome to coordinate a pre-event call to discuss the session/ content further should they wish.

Live session: During the live sessions, all speakers will be sat together for the session to be streamed via the event platform. The moderator will open the session, welcoming the attendees and introducing the topic – we will then have a 1-minute for each speaker to introduce themselves, and then move onto the main body of discussion. The attendees are able to submit questions via the Q&A function – the onsite team will assist in sharing these with the moderator who will lead in distributing any relevant questions amongst the panelists.

The onsite team will use timing cards to help share how much time of the session is remaining so we keep as on track as possible.

Other info: Panel discussions run for 40-minutes including any Q&A time. No slides are required for panel discussions. All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand post event – if you have any questions relating to this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Pre-event comms: All fireside chat speakers will have been looped into a pre-event introductory email chain to discuss the sessions content/ questions and any other topics you’d like to bring to the discussion with their fellow speakers and the moderator. Instructions on what is required for the pre-event comms are included in the email chain, we ask that you read these and follow up accordingly. Speakers are welcome to coordinate a pre-event call to discuss the session/ content further should they wish.

Live session: During the live sessions, all speakers will be sat together for the session to be streamed via the event platform. The moderator will open the session, welcoming the attendees and introducing the topic – we will then have a 1-minute for each speaker to introduce themselves, and then moving onto the main body of discussion. The attendees are able to submit questions via the Q&A function – the onsite team will assist in sharing these with the moderator who will lead in distributing any relevant questions amongst the panelists.

The onsite team will use timing cards to help share how much time of the session is remaining so we keep as on track as possible.

Other info: Fireside chats run for 30-minutes including any Q&A time. No slides are required for these sessions. All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand post event – if you have any questions relating to this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Pre-event comms: Speakers will be asked to share a copy of their presentation the week before the live event so these can be checked and loaded onto a backup laptop incase we have any technical difficulties during the festival.

Live session: During the live sessions, speakers will share slides from their own devices and will have full control over the deck. All presentations/ slide decks must be submitted to the content team for review by 8th November.

Presentations must be sent in PowerPoint (.ppt), PDF or Google Slides format in 16:9 widescreen. Videos and audio used in the presentation MUST be embedded into the slides to ensure these work correctly during the session. 

The onsite team will use timing cards to help share how much time of the session is remaining so we keep as on track as possible.

Presentations can vary in duration and the timings of your session will have been confirmed with the content team – if you are unsure about timings or have any questions on this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Other info: All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand post event – if you have any questions relating to this, please contact the content team on lia.richards@ciwm.co.uk.

Information to follow shortly

There will be complimentary refreshments in the main lounge/ waiting area for speakers to enjoy, along with a tea/ coffee station to utilise. We will offer refreshments catering to different dietary requirements, but if you have any specific needs, please let the team know by emailing events@ciwm.co.uk.

Any further questions?

If you have any questions for the team that aren’t answered in the Speaker Hub, please feel free to reach out to us via the emails mentioned above. 

We look forward to working with you for the festival!