Ian Farrell

I am editor of the award-winning magazine Circular, which we create on behalf of CIWM at CPL One – a Cambridge-based creative agency that helps people belong. I have an active interest in topics around sustainability and never cease to be fascinated by the vital role that the resources-and-waste sector plays in our journey towards a cleaner better world.

Ian has worked in journalism and publishing for 20 years, editing magazines, writing copy and working as a photographer. He has written about everything from science and health to electronics and sports and his client list features brands such as Red Bull, The Times and the BBC. When he’s not knee-deep in a sustainability story he can usually be found working on his narrowboat – a renovation project that makes use of repurposed, up-cycled and recycled materials as much as possible.

See who else is speaking…

Be there
or be square.

You’re contributing by being there and sharing with us.
We’re in this together. Invest some time and energy in being part of the Festival. In the future, for ourselves,
our companies, our children and our planet. You’ll find it an amazing use of your resources. We can promise that.


The world’s biggest challenges
demand the world’s biggest solutions…
and this is the start of something big.
Be there at the beginning.

If you’re interested in becoming a partner or supporter,
we’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line at
sales@ciwm.co.uk and we can set up a conversation.

1 incredible planet. 1 unique event. Join the celebration!