David is Vice President of Circular Economy Institute (CEI), Junior Vice President of the CIWM, founder of SOENECS and Co-founder of etsaW and Tech-Takeback.
David has been a volunteer for the CEC and CEI for 5 years and has run over 50 face to face networking events, including the CEC London, Tour of Circular Businesses on the Circle Line and spoken at over 25 international events for CEC and CEI, including Reuters, Rotary and PWC.
In September 2021, David was appointed as visiting Professor of Circular Economy at the University of Brighton to lecture and work with academics to incorporate circular economy into the curriculum.
In his substantial role, David is managing director and founder of SOENECS (SOcial, ENvironmental & EConomic Solutions), a research and innovation practice. SOENECS provide strategic research, advice, training, solutions, chairing and facilitation on the topics of circular economy, environmental auditing, waste & resource management.
David is also the Co-founder and MD Tech-Takeback Ltd.
Through David’s leadership SOENECS are a project partner in the Interreg NWE TRANSFORM-CE project exploring plastics for additive manufacturing, and a supporter to the Interreg NEW FCBRE project researching the role of reuse in construction sector. In the last 12 months David has led or been co lead in the creation of the following reports:
• The SUEZ 2030 Insights report “Invisible Ocean Pollutants from our Roads” • The London Borough of Tower Hamlets “Reuse, Recycling and Waste Supplementary Planning Document” • The Brighton & Hove City Council “Circular Economy Routemap”
David is in addition, a member of the Exeter University CE Hub Executive Management Group (EMG), non-executive Chair of the CIWM Enterprises Board, NED of Biohm, Trustee and Director of Freegle, Chair of the ICE Resource Management Panel, Government Adviser to IUK, DEFRA and MHCLG and advisor and past chair for the Local Authority National Waste Network Chairs (WNC).
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